Thankyou for your follows and views so far this year it's been great seeing my blog expand in popularity!
I got a load of novelty christmas pressies today as my
actual presents are back home in cold England.
Here's a piccy of all of the games I have bought this christmas and the loot I have received...
Call of Duty sleepwear (My parents found this funny...haha) Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 04 Various art supplies Dead Space - PS3 Dead Space 2 - PS3 Dead Island - PS3 InFAMOUS - PS3 Bioshock 2 - PS3 Batman: Arkham Asylum PS3 The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks - DS Pokemon White - DS Pacman graphic tee (I am wearing this whilst typing this post! Teehee!) A ton of candy - nom nom nom!
Have a good one everybody!
- Oli |
Merry Christmas! ^_^
Great catch you got there!
I too had a great past few days...
*27" Apple LED cinema display for my Mac Pro (awesomeness on unexplainable level)
*a 2nd PS3 controller so I can play Lego game with my 3 1/2 year old
*a blueray burner for my Mac Pro
*Oblivion collectors edition 5th Anniversary version for PS3
*and a healthy pile of used games: Mirrors Edge, Fall OUt 3 New Vegas, Brutal Legend, Nier, FF13, and a $20 PSN card....
Cheers to a great 2012!
Nice! Here's to a 2012 spent buying more games and adding them to our unfinished games lists!
Attention Oliver:
I run a blog called Volatile Mode ( and I wondering if you want to network. That means swapping blogroll spots, guest-posting, etc.
Check out my blog and tell me what you think!
Great gifts! We did get the same games like Batman and Dead Island lol. =)
- The Girl Gamer
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