I've already finished Heavy Rain. It was a very unique game, more like an interactive story. You play as 4 main characters in the game, each one connected with a series of killings on young boy. There are no leads on the killer so the cops are stumped. On every body there's an orchid and an origami crane figure, this is why the killer is called "The Origami Killer".
I put it on hardest difficulty and it was still pretty easy. Most of the time you're spent moving your character and interacting with certain things. For example, on the first scene you play as Ethan Mars, father of one of the victims. In this scene you have to make him have a shower, brush his teeth and shave etc. It is pretty cool and you can even read your characters mind if you're stuck on what to do next. Sometimes you have to engage in conversation or have to make a choice: Yes or No. When this occurs, several bubbles will fly over the characters head saying the options you have and the key you need to press to execute them. By fat the best bits of the game are the action scenes and they happen frequently. My favourite one was a scene when you are forced to drive down a highway with oncoming traffic. You have to press the right buttons or move the right analog stick in the right way to survive and turn in time. At times the game also uses the SIXAXIS motion controls integrated in the PlayStation 3 controller and you have to shake the controller repeatedly.

Gamingheap Rating: 8/10

Gamingheap Rating: 9/10